MyToolBox PRO

Price Per Month: $498

Set-up Fee (one time): $498

  • Everything on the ESSENTIALS & PLUS Plans, plus:

  • Create a team account for you (with PRO membership), plus 4 users on Essentials membership (more seats available a la carte)

  • 10 customized text/SMS and/or email templates

  • Basic AI chat system

  • Access to bulk actions (blasts, uploads, downloads)

  • 2 customized surveys or forms

  • 1600 # of texts included (does not roll over)

  • 1600 # of call minutes included (does not roll over)

  • 14000 # of emails included (does not roll over)

SubscribeTo MyToolBox Pro Plan Today!
Billing Address
No products available

MyToolBox PRO

Price Per Month: $498

Set-up Fee (one time): $498

  • 1600 texts included (does not roll over)

  • 1600 call minutes included (does not roll over)

  • 14000 emails included (does not roll over)

  • Access to Smart CRM

  • Back Office Support via Email

  • Access to send text/SMS messages via CRM

  • Access to send emails via CRM

  • Calendar and appointment management

  • Automated confirmations sent for booked appointments

  • Automated reminders sent for calendar appointments

  • Automated birthday greetings (updated for each calendar year)

  • Automated follow-up emails on no-show appointments

  • Business phone number forwarded to any US number

  • Customized text/SMS responses for missed calls

  • Choice of personalized website: (1) Customized landing page; (2) Funnel with lead generator form; (3) Personalized profile page with appointment calendar; OR (4) Personalized product page (templates available to choose from)

  • Social media calendar management system

  • 2 social media templates per week (permissions are needed)

  • Active pipeline tracking with automation (for clients, team, or events)

  • Access to Email Marketing Campaign library (templates available to purchase)

  • Access to set up drip-campaigns for email campaigns

  • Text notifications of client responses to SMS or emails

  • 5 active auto-responses via SMS messages

  • 3 customized guest check-in notifications for events and meetings

  • Create a team account for you (with PRO membership), plus 4 users on ESSENTIALS membership (more seats available a la carte)

  • 10 customized text/SMS and/or email templates

  • Basic AI chat system

  • Access to bulk actions (blasts, uploads, downloads)

  • 2 customized surveys or forms

Get Started WithMyToolBox PRO Today!
Billing Address
No products available

Disclaimer: Subscriptions and Set-up Fees are non-refundable and non-transferable.

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+1 (888) 318-9217

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+1 (888) 318-9217

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